Date: 9th August 2021
Did you know September 26th is the most popular day to be born over the last 2 decades?
September 26th falls 39 weeks and two days after Christmas day, and has been the most popular day for a mother to give birth on since 1995… making Christmas day the optimal day to conceive a baby!
8 of the top 10 dates of birth are towards the end of September and the other 2 being early October.
See the table below to find out, just how popular your birthday is!
There are may benefits to having a baby born in September including the child being one of the oldest in their school year when they reach academic age. Routines are much easier to establish in winter months with darker nights and colder weather, making you more likely to want to stay at home.
If you are planning your pregnancy read more.
If births were evenly distributed throughout the year we would expect on average 1,800 births each day. But the average number of births on September 26th was around 2,000.
Source: Office for National Statistics survey conducted 18/12/15
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