Privacy Policy
Lansinoh Laboratories Fair Processing Notice / Privacy Policy Published: 01/10/2020
As an organisation we care about your privacy and apply best practices with your personal data. This notice describes your rights as a website visitor or customer of
Lansinoh Laboratories UK Ltd, branded as (Lansinoh).
This policy provides information about your rights relating to your personal information along with how we collect, use and share your data.
Lansinoh is committed to abiding by all relevant data protection laws in the countries in which we operate, and will be open and transparent in how we use your personal information. Many people will be aware of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) updating the European laws which each member state will enact, to establish GDPR compliance in their country. Lansinoh acknowledges its requirement to comply with these laws, as well as local laws applicable to other countries.
Within this policy, each section laid out below expands to provide more detailed information about your rights and how we process your data. The policy also contains external links to provide more detailed information on many of the areas covered.
Please note many links provided in this policy are external to Lansinoh, please be aware that whilst every effort is made to ensure that the links are valid and relevant, we have no control over the security, legality or reliability of the information supplied. If you find any broken links, please contact our local Data Protection Team via the Contact details in the who we are section.